TerraLand Tutorials

TerraLand Terrain Generation from Bathymetry data

TerraLand 2 can get height information from the highest possible Bathymetry data available and generate terrains from that. So you can have negative elevation values below sea level (sea level = 0). The generated terrain will have above & below elevations mixed together for the final heights.

Following is the picture of the generated terrain containing bathy data. The area is 75km2 and the location is “Dead Sea”.




The generated terrain has 4096 heightmap & 16384 satellite imagery resolution spread over 4 terrain chunks.

Note: The heights on terrain surface have 2x elevation exaggeration (vertical factor) for better heights visualization & comparison.

And here’s the extracted & saved data information:


Highest Elevation: 1077 – Lowest Elevation: -433


Source: https://forum.unity.com/threads/terraland-2-high-quality-photo-realistic-terrains-from-real-world-gis-data.377858/#post-2453702