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This template mainly analyzes terrain slopes, satellite image's pixels and landcover data to detect green areas on map for close to real-world texturing distribution and vegetation placement. There will be high density trees, plants and rocks in flat areas, plus another lower density vegetation and rocks on higher slopes.

Distribution of elements will be done by high density, resolution & distance settings.

New Realistic Forest Template

Download Link:

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junaid-m, piporroklan and 3 other users have reacted to this post.

Kindly please try for a Realistic - Island/City near ocean sort of template if possible.
It can be used for many purposes. Thank you for your efforts in creating and most importantly maintaining this plugin. Thanks again!

terraunity has reacted to this post.

Thanks for the good vibes and support. We are close to release new templates for TerraWorld 2023 and will create a dedicated channel for users to tell us their ideas about making templates with their ideas and concepts.

Stay tuned on our Discord server here: