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While purchasing and downloading / importing new version of TerraWorld-AutomatedLevelDesigner, we have noticed that GDI+ (dynamic library) plugin is used. Could it pose any danger to to the cpu and network, and how safe would be it's use in general, while using this asset. Since gdi+ is well know vulnerability and (additional gdi) in the system vulnerability tool, for a few decades by now. Also a lot of other dll's are also used, all over the package, which is where we all get a little bit of safety concerned. All the discussion from the dev's is appreciated. Thanks.

Hi, thanks for reaching out to us.

First of all, I've moved this thread under TerraWorld Questions.

These plugins are produced by Microsoft's .Net team and there is no way they could affect cpu & network or cause any dangers! They have been used to do image processing actions while using TerraWorld in the editor so no worries on vulnerability issues!

But if you are concerned about these, TerraWorld Lite is a newer version of TerraWorld which uses Google's Skia library for its image processing stages instead of using GDIPlus and System.Drawing which is also faster and comprehensive.

Let us know if you have any other questions in this regard!