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Help!Can't build arm64/IL2CPP release for android?

There is an error when build this version like this:

Exception: IL2CPP error for method 'System.String ::(System.Int32)' in assembly 'Temp\StagingArea\assets\bin\Data\Managed\TerraWorld Core.dll'
Unity.IL2CPP.HashCodeCollisionException: Hash code collision on value `872D8FCD20271377EA6AF203C4F12408CED9226F`
Existing Item was : `System.String ::(System.Int32)`


Please let us know your machine configs and Unity version and rendering pipeline!

All supported platforms including android have been already tested with TW's latest version and Unity's latest LTS so it may be a conflict in your project or any missing libraries for Visual Studio which we need to check out.

unity version: 2021.1.19f

terra world version:2022.02.xx


What is you machine specs? Windows/Mac/Linux, cpu/gpu/ram...!

TerraWorld does not have 2022.x version! Please check back with it properly. Also you did not mention what rendering pipeline your project is in?

It may be possible that you are not using the latest TW version on store so this issue can be related!

Thanks!It has been solved by updating the plugin TW to the neweast version.

terraunity has reacted to this post.

No problem, always make sure to use the latest version of TerraWorld! Please update the review you have on store!