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There are no modules / nodes in the graph to generate world

I keep getting this when I try to generate a world using TerraWorld. I followed the basic tutorial. I select location, create new graph. And then click the "play" button. I delete everything and start from scratch do it again and fail it again. Google it but cannot find anything. So frustrating.

Thanks for writing your question here! Seems like you did not watch any tutorials on our YouTube channel or did not read through discussions and questions available online!

In order to start using TerraWorld you first need to watch some tutorials to get started, all TW tutorials are here:


However, using built-in templates, it's just a few clicks to generate the world as shown in this video:

So in your case, instead of pressing the NEW GRAPH button, select any of the provided templates and it will automatically create a graph and start generating the world in your scene. The NEW GRAPH button clears the graph so that you can go to each tab on top and add nodes into the graph from scratch.