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New York's Digital Twin - TerraLand 4 Streaming Demo (Windows)

This solution will bring highly detailed 3D world chunks in a standalone local/remote server which can be streamed in Unity engine. The end goal is to merge this solution with our other product TerraWorld to mix nature scenes with urban areas for a full city generation service on cloud.

Sample TerraWorld scene in Unity editor:

Enjoy 😉

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New York's Digital Twin

New York's Digital Twin

New York's Digital Twin

New York's Digital Twin

New York's Digital Twin

New York's Digital Twin

The first stage of the development process is focused on building and streaming terrain tiles, with the ability to edit tiles and/or add models on top of it. The second stage is to generate 3D buildings based on the best available geospatial data sources like ESRI, OpenStreetMap. The third stage of the process is to add road & traffic system to generated scenes based on the real-world data.

With all the stages in place, we will end up with a highly detailed and accurate digital twin model of any city on Earth using available real-world data via advanced AI processing on cloud where it contains terrain surfaces, satellite images, 3D buildings and road system, nature elements, weather system, rendering style and possibly any type of modifications for a realistic or stylish scene.

Achieved environments and implemented solutions can be used in various platforms of AR, VR, MR, Desktop, console and etc. through various fields of gaming, navigation, mapping & GPS tracking, geology, flood control system, autonomous vehicle simulation, military training, municipality, real estate, tourism, agriculture, public transportation, educational, flight simulator, maritime, aerospace and etc.

🌟 Welcome to "TerraLand 4 - Streaming Huge Real-World Scenes"
Finally, after 3 years of hard work and dedication of our team, we are releasing a new massive and exciting version of our product: TerraLand 4! TerraLand 4 is the ultimate solution in Unity to bring in real-world GIS data into 3D intractable scenes within a few clicks as the base for your beautiful worlds in any style such as realistic, fantasy, stylish, low-poly, toon and etc.

✪ How TerraLand 4 works:
✔ Select a region on map
✔ Create base server with terrains
✔ Add your items on world cells via EDIT mode (e.g. buildings, trees...)
✔ Publish server locally/remotely
✔ World is streamed for players

The most important section of TL4 lies within its advanced streaming system that comes with a WORLD EDITOR system where users can load certain world chunks in the created server and start filling the world with their own stuff by placing models or edit terrains and etc. Team members can load and work in parallel on world chunks along with projects' git setup and design the game and levels and upload back the changes back into the created master server by TL4 as bundles when they are happy. Generated servers using TL4 can be distributed locally on your hard drive or distributed on cloud so that the world can stream your world content by having the built application.

🎯 TerraLand 4:
Streaming Huge Real-World Scenes

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New York's Digital Twin