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Kagoshima 2178: Galactic Nexus - TerraLand 4 Streaming Demo (Windows)

Here is an introduction demo scene for TerraLand 4 "Kagoshima 2178: Galactic Nexus", the successor of TerraLand 3 with thousands of indie and enterprise clients all around the world who seek for a fast and easy-to-use solution to work with huge datasets of 3D scenes in Unity.

Using TerraLand 4, we created 2500 km2 of Kagoshima, Japan in a server hosted on TERRA cloud and converted the terrain tiles and objects into a futuristic sci-fi style via custom materials and post-processing effects. When you run the game, all world content will be downloaded around the player as you navigate the scene and world chunks will be streamed on demand and in real-time.

Enjoy 🙂

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Kagoshima 2178 Galactic Nexus


Kagoshima 2178 Galactic Nexus

Kagoshima 2178 Galactic Nexus

Kagoshima 2178 Galactic Nexus


Controllable items in this demo include:
- Character Control
- Spaceship Control

TerraLand 4 is the ultimate solution in Unity to bring in real-world GIS data into 3D intractable scenes within a few clicks as the base for your beautiful worlds in any style such as realistic, fantasy, stylish, low-poly, toon and etc. Since the initial version of TerraLand back in 2012, TerraUnity team has put significant amount of development and received lots of feedback via serving thousands of developers in their gaming and simulation projects in various fields.

But TL4 is not only aimed for real-world scenes but through its flexible settings, you can pick up a location on Earth and then give it your own desired style and artistic mood by setting up custom materials and post-processing effects for all 3D objects in scenes including terrains and placed models in the world. It will come with a demo scene called "Kagoshima 2178: Galactic Nexus" introducing the ability to turn a real-world location into a fantasy style environment by simply giving it custom material for terrains and use placement scripts in its WORLD EDITOR mode to place stylish items on top of the base world chunks in server.

The most important section of TL4 lies within its advanced streaming system that comes with a WORLD EDITOR system where users can load certain world chunks in the created server and start filling the world with their own stuff by placing models or edit terrains and etc.

Team members can load and work in parallel on world chunks along with projects' git setup and design the game and levels and upload back the changes back into the created master server by TL4 as bundles when they are happy. Generated servers using TL4 can be distributed locally on your hard drive or distributed on cloud so that the world can stream your world content by having the built application.

Used Assets:
Synty Studios Sci-Fi Worlds
TerraLand 4 - Streaming Huge Real-World Scenes

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Kagoshima 2178 Galactic Nexus