5 votes

Multi-terrain support in TerraWorld!

4 votes

mapity compatibility

I believe it would be a nice idea to be able to procedurally and in run mode be able to place buildings on mapity floor plans (at terrain height, of course).

1 vote

I request that you update for latest unity, thanks

Please read above


URP and HDRP support

Random generated terrain by seed

I think it is speaking for itself

Moon data terraland

Generate terrain from moon data like lroc or other dem files
The current usage of jp2 explain in tutorial produce not detailed height map
Having navigation map to choose area like we have for eath will be awesome

Spawn terrain center at 0,0,0

The FAQ says it should spawn at 0,0,0 but ends up being WAYYYY up in the sky or other strange things.

TerraUnity Team Reply: TerraWorld is a real-world terrain/scene generator and takes land heights from geo-servers so the height at position 0,0 in X & Z axis could only be 0 if the real-world place has 0 height on that point.

Threading in WebGL

Dear TW, We are using TW in games, but when we generate in WebGL and run on browser we get “Browser does nto support threading”. Is there a way around this, such as adjusting server or a setting in Unity? Thanks for the help

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